Siete maneras para ayudar a los niños sobrellevar la ansiedad debido al coronavirus (COVID-19)
Teaching family values during a time of crisis
A CHOC Children’s pediatric psychologist offers tips for parents on how they can teach and model family values amid COVID-19.
How to teach kids resilience throughout COVID-19
A CHOC psychologist offers tips for parents on building their child’s resilience – the ability to thrive or bounce back after a stressful situation.
How to talk to kids about disappointment during COVID-19
A pediatric psychologist offers tips to parents on how to talk to kids experiencing disappointment amidst cancelled plans and activities during COVID-19.
Establishing structure and routine for kids during COVID-19
During a time of crisis when much is unknown, creating a routine helps kids. A pediatric psychologist offers suggestions in establishing a routine for kids during COVID-19.
7 Ways to Help Kids Cope with Coronavirus (COVID-19) Anxiety
Get a CHOC Children’s pediatric psychologist’s tips to help children cope with anxiety about Coronairus (COVID-19).